Product characteristics
  • Heavy design for higher loads, e.g. mobile use
  • Suitable for engine sizes 100L to 315L
  • Compact, space-saving design in comparison with electric engine IMB35
  • Material: up to PTFS450 in aluminium, from PTFS550 on in nodular graphite iron
  • Available from stock up to size PTFS660
  • Reduces the storage to only one engine for horizontal and vertical assembly
Selection of bellhousings
Online selection of bellhousings The right selection is important! With our programme selectingbellhousings youfind the right components in order to optimallyconnect electric motor and pump.You can select the fitting additionalcomponents like damping elements and footflange for each individualapplication. In only 5 steps to the complete aggregate: 1. Step: Selection of pump manufacturer 2. Step: Selection of pump type 3. Step: Selection of electric motor 4. Step: Selection of possiblecoupling variations 5. Step: Selection of additional components