Product characteristics
- Not fail safe torsionally flexible shaft coupling, soft in bending
- Easy exchange of elastomer elements in assembled state
- Axial plug-in - easy assembly - maintenance free
- Particularly small mounting length - for small shaft distance dimensions
- Operative range from - 40ºC to + 120ºC
- Compensation for axial, radial and angular shaft misalignments
- Use in general machinery
- Explosion protection rated and confirmed acc. to EG Directive 94/0/EG
Coupling description
The POLY coupling is a torsionally flexible, shear shaft coupling forgeneral machinery. It is assembled by axially pluging the hubs intoeach other and has excellent dampening characteristics. Its uniquefeatures are the flexible elastomeric elements that are located in bothcoupling halves.
The POLY advantage – A much greater number of flexible elements andthus a larger effective mass of the elastomer to accept vibration and todissipate the heat caused by torsional vibrations when compared tosimilar competitive couplings with elements only in one half.

The coupling consists of 2 hubs with fingers that are separatedby elastomeric elements which are assembled by axial blind plug-in toeach other. Elastomer elements are placed into the slots of bothcoupling hubs. Torque is transmitted in a compact design. Shaftmisalignments, vibrations and shock loads are effectively absorbed bythe POLY coupling.
The coupling is maintenance-free and used in general machinery, thepump industry and in compressors. The Poly coupling handles torqueranges of up to 65,000 Nm and is stocked in 21 different sizes and 4designs for immediate availability. In addition to our standard couplingmodels, a variety of flange, drop out center and spacer options areavailable.
Variation of components

The coupling can be adapted to many applications due to the manyoptions that are possible with the building block arrangement. The POLYcomponents of a given model can be mixed and matched with each other toobtain different shaft distances using the same basic component.
Explosion protection use

POLY couplings are suitable for the use in drives in hazardousareas. The couplings are certified according to EC Standard 94/9/EC(ATEX 95) and belong to category 2G/2D, are confirmed and thus suitablefor the use in hazardous areas of zone 1, 2, 21 and 22.
Please read our information in the respective Type Examination Certificate and the operating and mounting instructions