Product characteristics

The coupling consists of two hubs, with fingers separated byelastomeric elements. The hubs are assembled blindly plugging the hubfingers into each other axially and the elastomer ring is trapped in agroove between both coupling hubs. The compact POLY-NORM® couplingtransmits torque with the elastomer in compression. Shaft misalignments,vibrations and shock loads are effectively absorbed by the POLYNORM ®.
The coupling is maintenance-free and used in general machinery, thepump industry and in compressors. Torques of up to 26,800 Nm are stockedin 17 different sizes and 7 designs. In addition to the standardcoupling models, flange drop out center and spacer options are availablein many variations.
Explosion protection use

POLY-NORM® couplings are suitable for the use in drives inhazardous areas. The couplings are certified according to EC Standard94/9/EC (ATEX 95) and belong to category 2G/2D, are confirmed and thussuitable for the use in hazardous areas of zone 1, 2, 21 and 22.
Please read our information in the respective Type ExaminationCertificate and the operating and mounting instructions underwww.ktr.com.
Variaition of options

The coupling can be adapted to many applications due to the manyoptions that are possible with the building block arrangement. ThePOLY-NORM® components of a given model can be mixed and matched witheach other to obtain different shaft distances using the same basiccomponent.
On request, we can provide customized variations of the POLY-NORM® tofit your needs – for example, our POLY-NORM® overload coupling withRUFLEX® torque limiter. Just ask us!