Product characteristics
- Material saving by smaller shaft and hub dimensions
- Simplified production processes
- Suitable for modern drive systems
- Easy assembly and disassembly with standard tools
- Ideal for drives with high vibratory loads, e. g. acceleration and braking
- Produce connections that are permanently free from destruction, i. e. no shearing off of keyways, dowel pins, pins, etc.
- Specifically suitable for high-speed drives
- Insensitive to dirt
- Reusable repeatedly
- Overload protection of the machine components by slipping (repeated slipping should be avoided)
- Low stress concentration on the shaft (stress concentration factor on request)
- Corrosion- and acid-resistant surface coating for food-processing industry, marine industry and chemical industry on request
- Simple calculation of the clamping connection
The transmission data mentioned in the catalogue are parameters found out by calculations. Subject to tests and the physical coefficient of friction slight deviations from the transmission values may arise.
Copyright according to ISO 16016.
We reserve the right for modifications of dimensions and designs.